So here is one of our first pictures of Nero enjoying a stroll to the village to meet all the locals!
He went down a storm, everyone, obviously, loved him. He had his photograph taken, he was greeted by everyone and he even let off a huge bray and bought a smile to everyones faces, even those who were still asleep (it was quite early we went for breakfast before the heat kicked in) peered from their windows with a smile and a wave.
Nero bought a smile to everyones face, he lifted spirits, he became the talking point so how wonderful that after being abandoned he feels once again loved by everyone.
However, spare a thought for those less lucky than Nero and do what you can. I know that we cannot all take home a donkey but we can sponsor a donkey through various charities throughout the world so make a difference if you can. No matter how small your donation or sponsorship it will all go to help and if it means one less thing a week in your shopping basket then this has to be a positive move.
When you look at Nero it is hard to believe that someone actually tied him to a post and left him there. Imagine what was going through Neros mind. Thankfully he was rescued by the local police but for some it is too late, but for others, they just need a chance, as indeed, many of us do at some point in our life and think how grateful we are to those people so maybe it is time to pay back the kindness you have received in the past.
Check out where Nero spent his recovery time www.easyhorsecare.net
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