As a member of PETA I wanted to share this with you. Please read it and absorb the message.
Dear Fellow Friend of PETA,
I have a confession: I used to eat foie gras.
However, when I saw PETA's video footage on foie gras production and the deadly force-feeding of ducks and geese, I felt compelled to do something to help stop this cruel "delicacy".
Once my eyes were opened, I become a passionate campaigner against foie gras –volunteering to narrate PETA's documentary about the barbarity of its production, writing to every member of the House of Commons asking them to help end foie gras sales in the UK and penning pieces for national publications to spread the word against this repugnant practice.
I also joined forces with PETA on a relentless two-year campaign to convince the Selfridges department store chain to pull foie gras from its shelves, mobilising concerned individuals to bombard the company with thousands of e-mails, phone calls and letters.
The day Selfridges announced that they would no longer carry foie gras was one of the proudest of my life. And of the many honours that have been bestowed upon me over the years, few have moved me as much as being awarded the PETA UK 2009 Person of the Year award for my work. I am most humbled that my passion has helped make a positive difference in the lives of these animals.
However, despite our victories, the battle to outlaw foie gras in the UK, across Europe and around the world is far from won. Our success will only come through the continued commitment of compassionate people like you.
Thank you for standing with PETA to protect ducks, geese and other animals from suffering and death. May this Christmas period bring you and your family happiness and good health.
Most cordially,
Sir Roger Moore
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