Thursday, April 7, 2011

Russell Brand Visits The Village!

As I sat in the village today enjoying a coffee in the sunshine before my run as dinner lady began, I said hello to lots of people. Mums, old men in their slippers wandering up the middle of the road, the cafe owners, a few passing dogs who clearly had somewhere important to go, I watched various groups of conversations happening throughout the street and then I saw the outline of something that had never been seen the village before.

I could see the long black hair, I could see a flash of yellow, but I could not work out exactly what it was.

As it drew closer the walk looked incredibly familiar, that sort of walk where people seem to be on a pogo stick, the hair flicking up and down. It was him I was sure of it.

He was wearing bright blue trousers, a bright blue shirt, a yellow waistcoast with a yellow tie and to top it all off, a yellow headband. I felt a moment of excitement, I mean the whole village almost came to a standstill. Conversations stopped, old ladies turned, nudging each other, tourists were reaching for their cameras. It was definately him.

As he drew closer something was wrong, he appeared to be pulling a trolly, that said it was also blue and yellow so it matched the whole outfit, and then I realised. I was looking at the substitute postman.

He strode up the middle of the road, overtaking the man in his slippers, and with his hair still bounching he faded into the horizon. A few moments passed, and then people carried on with their day.

I finished my coffee and went into the school. I wonder what will be thrown up the walls today.


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